Guest Lecturers

Erik van Alten

Lecturer, President Emeritus
Responsible for Church History courses

Pastor of the Free Reformed Church, Pretoria-Maranatha, South Africa, 2005-2013, 2020-. Teacher / missionary for the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Ukraine Mission) from 2013. President, ERSU, 2015-21. Co-editor of ‘Reformed Perspective’, 2015-21.


  • Ph.D., Theological University Kampen, 2017;
  • M.Th., Reformed Theological University, Kampen, Netherlands, 2005;
  • M.Div., Theological School of the Free Reformed Churches in South Africa, 2004;
  • M.A. Biblical Languages, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2005.


Courses taught at ERSU: History of the Early Church; History of the Middle Ages and Reformation; History of the Modern Church; Introduction to Reformed Theology; Ethics; Soteriology; Eschatology.

Selected publications

Articles published in ERSU Theological Journal “Reformed Perspective”

The Beginning of a Spirit-Filled Church: A Study of the Implications of the Pneumatology for the Ecclesiology in John Calvin’s Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017.

“Божья мельница: историческое введение в Реформацию.” Богословие Реформации: Бог, Евангелие, церковь. Минск: Альтиора Форте, 2017; 9-45.

“… they had all things in common”: Calvin’s exposition of the community of goods in some key texts in Acts, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, vol. 39, no. 2 (2013), pp 181-196.

‘Supporting Polish-Ukraine: A case study on the Afrikaans churches’ reaction to communism’, HTS Theological Studies 77(4) (2021), a6331.

Ivan Bespalov

Pastor, Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church (Kyiv); co-pastor, International Presbyterian Church (Kyiv).


  • ThM, Westminster Theological Seminary, 2021
  • M.Div., Ukrainian Biblical Seminary, 2000


Courses taught at ERSU: Apologetics.

Dmytro Bintsarovskyi

Researcher, Theological University Kampen/Utrecht (Netherlands)


  • PhD, Theological University Kampen (Netherlands), 2019
  • ThM, Theological University Kampen (Netherlands), 2009.
  • M.Div., ERSU, 2007


Courses taught at ERSU: Contemporary Theology, Pneumatology, Doctrine of God.

Selected publications

Articles published in ERSU Theological Journal “Reformed Perspective”

Hidden and Revealed: The Doctrine of God in the Reformed and Eastern Orthodox Traditions. Lexham Press, 2021.

История современного богословия. Минск: Полиграфкомбинат им. Я. Коласа, 2016.

Протестантизм без Реформации. Минск : Позитив-центр, 2014.

“Августин, Лютер и Кальвин о свободной воле и предопределении.” Богословие Реформации: Бог, Евангелие, церковь. Минск: Альтиора Форте, 2017; 189-245.

“Успех как знак избрания? О Кальвине, кальвинизме, Вебере и постсоветской науке.” Богословие Реформации: Бог, Евангелие, церковь. Минск: Альтиора Форте, 2017; 433-469.

Willem vanGemeren

Professor Emeritus of Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School


Courses taught at ERSU: Books of Wisdom; Prophets; in the past: Pentateuch; Historical books of OT.


  • PhD, University of Wisconsin
  • M.A., University of Wisconsin
  • B.D., Westminster Theological Seminary
  • Visiting Graduate Student, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Selected publications

The Progress of Redemption. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988.

Interpreting the Prophetic Word. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990.

“Psalms”. In Frank E. Gaebelein (ed.). Expositor’s Bible Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990, 2017 (rev. ed.).

[Editor] The New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997. 

Yaroslav Viazovskii

Director of the Gospel and Reformation Publishing House (2003-); Pastor of Evangelical Reformed Presbyterian church in Minsk (2018-).


Courses taught at ERSU: Christology.


  • PhD, University of Aberdeen, 2014
  • MA, Reformed Theological Seminary (virtual campus), 2004

Selected publications

Articles published in ERSU Theological Journal “Reformed Perspective”

Image and Hope: John Calvin and Karl Barth on Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2015.

Тайна народа Божьего: интертекстуальный комментарий на книгу Откровение (соавторы: Андрей Павлючик, Сергей Удальев). Минск: Евангелие и Реформация, 2019.

Правила веры: читаем Писание как историю искупления. Минск: Евангелие и Реформация, 2021.

“Образ Божий: учение Жана Кальвина о человеке.” Богословие Реформации: Бог, Евангелие, церковь. Минск: Альтиора Форте, 2017; 129-145.

“Как спастись? Союз с Христом как принцип реформатской сотериологии.” Богословие Реформации: Бог, Евангелие, церковь. Минск: Альтиора Форте, 2017; 145-169.

Victor D’Assonville

Rector of the Reformed Seminary in Heidelberg


Courses taught at ERSU: Hermeneutics.

Andrey Dyliuk


Courses taught at ERSU: Greek and Hebrew.


  • Certificate, Advanced-level New Testament Greek, St. Peterburg Christian University, 2018
  • M.Div., ERSU, 2008

Junghun Joo

Assistant Professor at Chongshin Theological Seminary in Korea


Courses taught at ERSU: Faith, Society and Culture; Music & Worship


  • PhD, Fuller Seminary, 2011
  • M.A., Fuller Seminary, 2004
  • M.Div., Chongshin Theological Seminary, 1998

Selected publications

Articles published in ERSU Theological Journal “Reformed Perspective”

Matthew Henry: Pastoral Liturgy in Challenging Times. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2014.

Christian Worship and Worldview (in Korean)

Sergei Nakul

Pastor, Grace Church, Kyiv (UERC)


Courses taught at ERSU: Prophets.


  • Th.M., Theological University Kampen, 2017
  • M.Div., ERSU, 2015

Selected publications

Drew Parlee

Systematic Theology Lecturer & Course Creator, Third Millennium Ministries


Courses taught at ERSU: Evangelism.


  • PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary (США)
  • M.Div., Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando)

William Wilton

Pastor of Sunrise Church, McMinnville, OR (CRCNA)


Courses taught at ERSU: Homiletics.


  • D.Min.
  • M.Div., Calvin Theological Seminary, 1999

Evgenii Ustinovich

Author, editor, and translator.


Courses taught at ERSU: General Epistles and Revelation.


  • PhD, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit (Leuven, Belgium), 2019
  • M.A., Cincinnati Christian University , 2006

Selected publications

Articles published in ERSU Theological Journal “Reformed Perspective”

Literary editor and contributor (1-2 Kings), Slavic Bible Commentary

Mark Herzer

Pastor, Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA), Warminster, PA, USA. Former Adjunct faculty at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Former visiting lecturer in New Testament, Systematic Theology, and Philosophy, at Wycliffe Theological College, Johannesburg, South Africa.


  • PhD (Historical Theology), Westminster Theological Seminary, 2003
  • MAR (Systematic Theology), Westminster Theological Seminary, 1993.
  • BA (Religion), Earlham College, 1986.


Courses taught at ERSU: Spiritual Growth

Selected publications

“Eschatology: Spes Meliorum Temporum,” in A New Divinity: Transatlantic Reformed Evangelical Debates During the Long Eighteenth Century, eds. Michael A G Haykin and Mark Jones, Reformed Historical Theology (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018), 143-176.

“Adam’s Reward: Heaven or Earth?,” in Drawn into Controversie: Reformed Theological Diversity and Debates Within Seventeenth-Century British Puritanism, eds. Michael A G Haykin and Mark Jones, Reformed Historical Theology (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011), 162-182.

“‘Conception Cannot Grasp the Infinite’: The Hamiltonian Philosophy of John L. Girardeau” in Confessing our Hope: Essays Celebrating the Life and Ministry of Morton H. Smith, ed. Joseph Pipa and C. N. Willborn (Taylors, SC: Southern Presbyterian Press, 2004), 227-255.