Pastor of the Free Reformed Church, Pretoria-Maranatha, South Africa, 2005-2013, 2020-. Teacher / missionary for the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Ukraine Mission) from 2013. President, ERSU, 2015-21. Co-editor of ‘Reformed Perspective’, 2015-21.
Courses taught at ERSU: History of the Early Church; History of the Middle Ages and Reformation; History of the Modern Church; Introduction to Reformed Theology; Ethics; Soteriology; Eschatology.
Articles published in ERSU Theological Journal “Reformed Perspective”
The Beginning of a Spirit-Filled Church: A Study of the Implications of the Pneumatology for the Ecclesiology in John Calvin’s Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017.
“Божья мельница: историческое введение в Реформацию.” Богословие Реформации: Бог, Евангелие, церковь. Минск: Альтиора Форте, 2017; 9-45.
“… they had all things in common”: Calvin’s exposition of the community of goods in some key texts in Acts, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, vol. 39, no. 2 (2013), pp 181-196.
‘Supporting Polish-Ukraine: A case study on the Afrikaans churches’ reaction to communism’, HTS Theological Studies 77(4) (2021), a6331.
Courses taught at ERSU: Contemporary Theology, Pneumatology, Doctrine of God.
Articles published in ERSU Theological Journal “Reformed Perspective”
Hidden and Revealed: The Doctrine of God in the Reformed and Eastern Orthodox Traditions. Lexham Press, 2021.
История современного богословия. Минск: Полиграфкомбинат им. Я. Коласа, 2016.
Протестантизм без Реформации. Минск : Позитив-центр, 2014.
“Августин, Лютер и Кальвин о свободной воле и предопределении.” Богословие Реформации: Бог, Евангелие, церковь. Минск: Альтиора Форте, 2017; 189-245.
“Успех как знак избрания? О Кальвине, кальвинизме, Вебере и постсоветской науке.” Богословие Реформации: Бог, Евангелие, церковь. Минск: Альтиора Форте, 2017; 433-469.
Courses taught at ERSU: Books of Wisdom; Prophets; in the past: Pentateuch; Historical books of OT.
The Progress of Redemption. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988.
Interpreting the Prophetic Word. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990.
“Psalms”. In Frank E. Gaebelein (ed.). Expositor’s Bible Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990, 2017 (rev. ed.).
[Editor] The New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997.
Courses taught at ERSU: Christology.
Articles published in ERSU Theological Journal “Reformed Perspective”
Image and Hope: John Calvin and Karl Barth on Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2015.
Тайна народа Божьего: интертекстуальный комментарий на книгу Откровение (соавторы: Андрей Павлючик, Сергей Удальев). Минск: Евангелие и Реформация, 2019.
Правила веры: читаем Писание как историю искупления. Минск: Евангелие и Реформация, 2021.
“Образ Божий: учение Жана Кальвина о человеке.” Богословие Реформации: Бог, Евангелие, церковь. Минск: Альтиора Форте, 2017; 129-145.
“Как спастись? Союз с Христом как принцип реформатской сотериологии.” Богословие Реформации: Бог, Евангелие, церковь. Минск: Альтиора Форте, 2017; 145-169.
Courses taught at ERSU: Greek and Hebrew.
Courses taught at ERSU: Faith, Society and Culture; Music & Worship
Articles published in ERSU Theological Journal “Reformed Perspective”
Matthew Henry: Pastoral Liturgy in Challenging Times. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2014.
Christian Worship and Worldview (in Korean)
Courses taught at ERSU: Prophets.
Courses taught at ERSU: General Epistles and Revelation.
Articles published in ERSU Theological Journal “Reformed Perspective”
Literary editor and contributor (1-2 Kings), Slavic Bible Commentary
Courses taught at ERSU: Spiritual Growth
“Eschatology: Spes Meliorum Temporum,” in A New Divinity: Transatlantic Reformed Evangelical Debates During the Long Eighteenth Century, eds. Michael A G Haykin and Mark Jones, Reformed Historical Theology (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018), 143-176.
“Adam’s Reward: Heaven or Earth?,” in Drawn into Controversie: Reformed Theological Diversity and Debates Within Seventeenth-Century British Puritanism, eds. Michael A G Haykin and Mark Jones, Reformed Historical Theology (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011), 162-182.
“‘Conception Cannot Grasp the Infinite’: The Hamiltonian Philosophy of John L. Girardeau” in Confessing our Hope: Essays Celebrating the Life and Ministry of Morton H. Smith, ed. Joseph Pipa and C. N. Willborn (Taylors, SC: Southern Presbyterian Press, 2004), 227-255.